Sports Related Injury Rehabilitation
Maximizing athletic performance and treating injuries associated with sports are what CT Spine & Rehab specializes in; from professional football and baseball players to your weekend warriors. Regardless of your age, ability level, or chosen activities, we can make improvements to your quality of life, educate you how to remain injury-free, and maximize your physical performance.
For example, baseball pitchers often experience rotator cuff and shoulder problems. Soccer players frequently have hip and leg issues, and your weekend warrior could do anything from pulling a muscle running the local 10K, to twisting an ankle at Tuesday night’s open basketball at the local gym. We’ve successfully treated all injury types from a wide variety of athletes from elite professionals to amateur athletes , and typically much faster and more effectively than our patients have previously experienced.
Analysis of the injury
Analysis of the Injury, and it’s association with disfunction in other parts of the body is imperative. Injuries often occur because of muscle strength and flexibility imbalances.
Too many doctors only look at and treat the site that is injured. This is a disservice to you the patient. A doctor must also analyze other tissues above or below the injury in order to gain a complete picture how to effectively treat the injury and prevent future injuries. The ability to do this effectively is what sets us apart from others. If your current provider isn’t doing this now, then you are receiving incomplete and ineffective treatment that puts you at further risk of more serious injury.
The application of Chiropractic adjustments, Active Release Therapy, and Trigger Point Release to dysfunctional and imbalanced muscles and tendons eliminates pain and restores proper tissue function.
Education and Self Care
Helping you understand your body and what your strengths and weakness are is one of the most critical pieces of the puzzle. You are taught by us how to provide effective self care and identify disfunction long before it manifests to an injury. The type of self-care training and education we provide not only saves you money in the short and long term, it more importantly results in fewer injuries and maximizes your physical performance in all types of athletic endeavors, whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior who still plays to win!
Allowing us to get you back on track both chemically and structurally will bring your body back to the proper state it should be in to perform at its peak. The fastest and easiest way to schedule your appointment with one of our doctors is to first use our contact page to select your location. One of our staff members will promptly schedule you with a convenient time to see one of our doctors.
We utilize the latest technology to deliver the best possible compliment to chiropractic care
Our team consists of highly trained professionals to serve the diverse needs of our patients
The skills of our chiropractors and efficient treatment bring the desired results our patients expect.