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spinemed decompression

Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal as the discs are constantly under pressure, even while a person is at rest.  SpineMED Decompression is designed to reduce pressure inside the discs by gently separating or distracting the injured spinal segments.

Under distraction, pressure on the disc is relieved; allowing fluids, nutrients and oxygen to flow back into the disc.  This nutrient exchange helps the body’s natural rebuilding process and may accelerate the repair and eventually heal damaged spinal discs.

In addition, a reduction of intradiscal pressures may help draw the nucleus of a bulging or herniated disc back into the center, thereby relieving pressure on a compressed nerve root- alleviating the problem and the pain or numbness.

Spinal Disc Decompression with the SpineMED® Table has shown to be safe and without side effects or complications once abnormal conditions have been ruled out. patients with conditions that compromise the integrity of the spinal column, such as gross osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis grade 2 and above, fractures, tumors, or congenital pars defects are not candidates for Spinal Disc Decompression. Previous spinal surgery is not contraindicated unless hardware (screws, rods, cages, pins, etc.) has been implanted in the spine. Minimum age for SpineMED® procedures is 16 years. Maximum age to be determined by your healthcare practitioner, based on your health and physical condition. If you are interested in experiencing our SpineMed procedure, or would like a thorough examination as a result of a personal injury, please don't hesitate to contact our offices.

The Procedure

  • All procedures are administered with the patient fully clothed. For lumbar procedures, the patient is comfortably positioned on the table, and the (patent pending) Pelvic Restraints are adjusted to comfortably secure the patient’s pelvis. The upper torso is captured by a comfortable securing system incorporated into the fixed section of the table. The Pelvic Tilt section will be electronically tilted, so that specific spinal segments can be targeted. With precise and pain-free computer controlled tension, the specific disc segment is gently distracted.

  • For cervical procedures, the cervical unit is first electronically tilted to the angle required to target specific segments of the cervical spine. The patient is then placed on the table with their head positioned in the cervical cradle unit. The Cervical Restraints (patent pending) are designed to comfortably capture the base of the patient’s skull for controlled distraction. A typical daily session consists of 30 minutes of decompression on the SpineMED® Table followed by 15 minutes of ice therapy. The process is pain-free and safe, and it is not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during the procedure.

    The average recommended course of procedure is 20 sessions. Ideally, the sessions are performed daily with rest on the weekend.

    At the conclusion of the procedure series, patients are given mobilization and strengthening exercises to avoid further injury.

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